Being Called to Serve Others | Indiana Lifestyle & Senior Photographer
When a dream becomes a reality…
One thing that I have always felt compelled to do is mission work. I feel that philanthropic work is something I have always enjoyed doing without hesitation. This opportunity is going to allow me to capture lifestyle photography in a whole different atmosphere then I ever could imagine. I have looked into different opportunities throughout life and whether it be the timing or what-not, it has not been in the stars… UNTIL NOW!
Let me tell you a little about a great opportunity God has opened up for me to share the love of Jesus in Haiti this spring with a mission team from Table of Grace Ministries. Like I said, this is an opportunity that I have always dreamed of getting. Nothing speaks to my heart more than serving others. Although I am a little nervous about the trip, I know that God will watch over and protect me, and that I just have to trust Him in all things.
“…whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wised to be first among you must be slave to all, For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life ransom for many.” ~Mark 10:43-45
We are set to fly out of Indianapolis on Thursday, March 19th and return on Monday, March 23rd, 2015. While in Haiti, we intend to reach the children of Institution Mixte Les Freres Aristild (IMFA) by working in the orphanage and getting updates for the sponsorships back in the United States. The Haitian people live a hard life in a land that has lost hope in many areas. God has blessed me with a talent behind the camera and I will be using this to help the children. We will be updating photos of each of the 44 children, the properties and the future needs of the orphanage. We will also be doing some shopping to get some medical supplies for the kids that are desperately needed. Five of the children are extremely sick. One of the little guys may not make it. It sickens me to even fathom the thinking of their government but he is 4 years old and only weighs 18 lbs. He has stopped eating. He was diagnosed with tuberculosis on top of typhoid. They stopped treatment on him Monday because we ran out of money. We were able to get another $500 raised this past week and they started treatment again on Thursday, which he seems to be responding to. One very good example of how I’ve seen this accomplished in the past is through generous donations from friends and family like you.
To see pictures of past trips to the orphanage at Gonaives, Haiti, check out http://www.tableofgraceministries.org/ web page & click on the link to “Projects”.
In order to go on this mission trip, each team member must raise a little more than $1000 for travel and ministry expenses. I know that God has led me to follow Him on this adventure, and because of that, I have set a goal of raising a total of $2500. Anything that is above and beyond travel expenses will go directly to the needs of these children.
So I am asking would you guys be willing to help me out with a donation? A small amount of even $25 would be a great blessing to me, but if you could help with more, I would really appreciate it. If so, just return it to Lindy Scott in the enclosed envelope including a note with any encouraging prayers and words you would like me to share with the children.
Either way, I hope you will pray for me on this endeavor. It is WAY out of my comfort zone, but I know that God is in it, and I am excited to see what He will show me. Thank you so much; you have always been such an encouragement to me.
“…give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap; for the measure you give, will be measure you get back.” ~Luke 6:38
*All Photos Courtesy of Table of Grace Ministries
Please Mail all donations to:
Lindy Scott
PO Box 182
Mooresville, IN 46158
Thank you in advance!

Crystal Rogers
Lindy, I wish you an amazing trip! Such a fulfilling opportunity! I’m going on my first mission trip at the end of April to a Syrian regugee camp in Lebanon. God bless you! You won’t regret it!
Allen Taylor
Aweseome! 🙂 Is there a way to make a donation online? Paypal, gofundme, etc?
Yes you can send it to photosbylou08@yahoo.com via PayPal! Thank you so much!!!